I had come to her for help. They said she was the best. When I asked for her advice, she said she had none to give but she would listen to my concerns.
She said not a word as I hesitantly started to tell my tale, wondering what point there might be in doing so. Stumbling over words, I watched her face for the inevitable judgement. It never came.
She never looked away, never frowned. Never was there a suggestion she thought me worthy of contempt. Never a hint of impatience for me to finish and leave. Only deep interest, as though what I had to say mattered more to her than anything else.
So I opened up to this woman, whom I did not know and who didn’t know me. Words, at first a trickle, became a stream and then a torrent. I spoke my life to her, far beyond the problem that had brought me to her.
She saw the moment I made the connection. The barest hint of a knowing smile showed her satisfaction. I stopped talking. In listening, she had held space for me to discover the truth within myself and find my own answers.
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Sounds like she really knew and was good at her job!
This is who you are for me. I love that we can speak freely and know that the other person accepts us as we are. I may be broken and bruised but it's wonderful to have others in my life who can accept me and let me struggle through finding my own truth. ❤️