Dracula sat watching the humans gyrating on the dance floor. He quite liked the modern era, though he had never quite caught up to it. He also enjoyed the slight buzz alcohol gave him. Unfortunately, it never lasted long. His body eliminated the stuff too fast for him to get truly drunk. Still, it was an interesting sensation.
Of course, the real fun would come later when he invited one of the humans back to his apartment for the night. Not that he would taste them. Nothing so gauche as that. Not in the twenty-first century.
He’d long ago given up drinking directly from humans, instead haunting blood banks to fulfill his dietary needs. Life was so much simpler not having to constantly relocate to avoid angry mobs.
No, he no longer used humans that way. He kept a supply of alcohol for visitors. If they weren’t already inebriated, he helped them along. When they were sufficiently drunk to not notice the coldness of his lips he would kiss them, letting his fangs graze the skin of their neck, though never pierce. It gave him, and sometimes them, an erotic thrill.
A few questioned him over breakfast about it. He always smiled innocently, attributing their wild imaginings to their drunken state.
No, Dracula did not drink directly from humans anymore. But a vampire could dream, couldn’t he?
The prompt for this came from the StoryBilder Twitter feed. “If Dracula lived in today’s world, what would he be up to right now?” How would you have answered this question? What kind of story would you have written?
Loved it! I'd have him preying on certain politicians only 😂