“You know what would be a hoot?” Bernice asked the table at large.
“No, Birdie. Why don’t you tell us?? Robin answered, swallowing the last of her Wild Turkey and simultaneously signalling the waiter for another round.
Birdie flipped her the bird.
Robin opened her mouth, then shut it as Raven held up a hand, saying, “Don’t egg her on. Seriously. Just don’t!”
Birdie. sensing a lull, spoke up again. “As I was saying, it would be fun and a real feather in our sorority’s hat to prank Delta Phi tonight.”
Robin leaned across the table, suddenly interested. “I’m listening.”
They pecked away at ideas for showing up the frat boys until Phoenix, grinning, squawked, “I’ve got it. Let’s set off the fire alarm and when the boys fly the coop, we’ll spray them down with whipped cream and cover them with graham cracker crumbs!”
The next night, the girls waited until midnight. They covered all the exits and sent Falcon in to pull the alarm. Five minutes passed, then ten. No alarm and no Falcon.
Suddenly, a torrent of cooking oil poured down on the girls from the windows above, followed by the contents of dozens of feather pillows.
“You little chicks should flock off back to your nest,” Hawk crowed, Laughing. “You’d better fly, before something worse happens to you!”
It was only then that Birdie realized their error. Falcon was always preening around Hawk. Dejected, the sorority girls migrated home, but not before vowing revenge on the whole Delta Phi asylum.
This punny story was written in response to a dare from a member of Substack Writers Unite. The challenge was to include at least five avian words. I think I passed. I only bolded the first instance of a word (not including the title).
I love this, it's creatively funny.
Nailed it.