Last Sunday I promised you a new character and a new twist. The following story I wrote, not initially thinking it fit into Hila and Mordecai’s story. My subconscious knew better. Called is the story of a knight out of time.

Malcolm shivered as his gaze flitted from the giant swan standing guard over the mists of time to its twin, which had appeared on his left wrist minutes after birth.
Gathering his courage, the young knight approached the guardian of the Time Gate, shivering again at the words, “Welcome home.”
The following story begins to bring Malcolm into Hila and Mordecai’s world. I am beginning to see the larger picture here, but it will be a while yet before it fully crystallizes. Here’s Cadau’s Find.
I know you can hear my thoughts, human.
Malcolm stared, wide-eyed at the massive wolf, chilled by more than the cold. The wolf had known he was coming. It had been waiting as he came through the time gate.
I am called Cadau, Malcolm. And yes, I knew you would come.
“You can read my thoughts?” Malcolm hazarded, still unconvinced the wolf spoke in his mind. “What land is this?”
You have traversed time, not space. Surely you recognize this mountaintop?
“It can’t be…” Yet when Malcolm let his eyes truly see, he knew this place. Though the season had changed, he still stood atop the mountain of his birth. “Why did the gate bring me here?”
You have been called.
Turning his back on the human, Cadau retraced a path indicated only by his own paw prints. Malcolm, with no other option, followed. A wave of warm approval washed over him, though the wolf shared no more words.
Malcolm’s presence in the story is going to tie into the larger question of why the seemingly interminable war started, and what will be required to stop it. I’m still working out the details around this.
I have two more stories written in Hila and Mordecai’s world. I’ll share them next week, and then I’m going to have to figure out what I want to write about the following Sunday. Any suggestions?
I like this type of book. I think I should start back from the beginning. Then I can leave a better comment.