Of all the places on Earth Nicola could have chosen for her holiday, this was her favorite. She was so glad she had come to Italy instead of listening to her sister and taking the cheaper flight to France.
Of course, Nancy preferred French wines. Nicola’s tastes ran to Italian. It turned out, so did her taste in men. She breathed in the country air as she looked out over the beautiful countryside. Mauro, the man she had met six months before, grinned at her as he handed her a slice of cheese along with a piece of fresh-cut bread.
“I know, I’m such a cliché,” Nicola said, grinning back as she sipped her wine and accepted his offering. Just as she had accepted his offer when he had asked her to quit her job and stay with him in Italy. Definitely a better choice than France.
This story grew from the words earth, holiday, and cheese. I prefer crackers with cheese and wine, but if the bread is good enough, I enjoy that as well. Not that I have either often. When I do drink wine, I tend to prefer Italian (Pinot Grigio and Chianti), though French is a close second and I’ve discovered others over the years that I enjoy as well. What’s your tipple?
Would you make a choice like Nicola did? Quit your job and stay in a foreign country with someone you had just met? I think she was looking for change and adventure and Mauro offered both. She might have found someone to offer the same opportunity in France as well.
Taking risks? Sounds so exciting but I'm sure I'd back out well before I ever said yes. Ah, the comfort of home 🥰
Nice thought 💕