“I am a man who would fight for your honor. I’ll be the hero you’re dreaming of…”
As the chorus of Glory of Love played, Cilla’s eyes took on a far-away look and a wistful smile graced her lips.
“What’s that all about?” Jody asked.
“Just wondering if you would fight for my honor.”
“Are you kidding?” Jody said. “I would always fight for your honor. I would be your knight in shining armor. I’d rescue you from any danger. And I’d do it all for the glory of love.”
Cilla’s smile faded. “But you wouldn’t. I mean, you’d want to. But in the days when there were knights, women were chattel. You’d have been married off and so would I. Or some man’s scullery maid.” She shuddered, not certain which would be worse.
“No,” Jody insisted. “My love for you would have found a way, even then. No matter what, no matter when, I’d find a way. I will always, in any time or any reality, be your knight in shining armor.”
Jody slipped onto the sofa beside Cilla and lifted her into her lap. As Cilla smiled up at her, Jody began to hum the song, then sang it all the way through, finishing with a kiss fit for any fairy tale.
The day I wrote this story, I was having a tough bipolar day. I decided to take the day off and I spent it listening to music and playing mindless games on my phone. I’ve found that I get a great playlist on YouTube Music if I start with Cindy Lauper’s “Time After Time.”
Well into the playlist, Peter Cetera’s “Glory of Love” came on and my mind started to wander. My determination not to write dissolved as this story presented itself. And, of course, I just had to create an image to go with it.
I chose the name Jody because it’s unisex and wouldn’t give things away too soon. I also picked the image for the same reason. Here’s another image I could have used, but then you’d have known right away, wouldn’t you?
In any event, I hope you like this story as much as I do. And here’s a link to Glory of Love, in case you’d like to listen.
I loved this story! Great twist!
What's meant to be is simply meant to be. We just have to know when to open the door 🥰