Tiny pink bundle. Empty arms filled.
This very tiny story was inspired both by the image and Justin Deming’s recent prompt to write a six-word story.
As he points out, nearly everyone is familiar with Earnest Hemingway’s “For sale. Baby shoes. Never worn.” I wanted to write something that expressed the opposite.
Not everyone wants (or should want) to have children. But for those who do and wait with empty arms, the reality of childlessness can be painful. To then receive a child, whether by giving birth, employing a surrogate, or adopting, can fill both our arms and an empty space in our hearts.
What are your thoughts on ultra-short fiction like this? Do you think it’s worth writing and reading? I do think it requires active participation from the reader. It’s part of the collaboration between writer and reader that I’m so fond of.
I'm kind of all over the place. Eclectic! 🤣
Lovely image and a sweet story. It really evokes a story in the mind. It seems more like a caption, a poem. It's beautiful, but not sure where it fits.