Tom kept the bat as a reminder. He’d been on a hot streak at the plate all summer, leading the league in RBIs. He’d gotten cocky and shot his mouth off about how much better he was than anyone else around him. How he was carrying the team.
How the mighty had fallen. The press was having a field day with it.
Today he had struck out at every bat. His teammates had been more gracious to him than he’d been to them when he was on top.
He hung the bat on his wall of fame in the den. It would remind him never to forget that a streak is just a streak. In the end, baseball was about the team, not the player.
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The picture suggested this story to me. Hope you enjoyed it!
It's hard when you're the best, I suppose, especially when your success is as a result of hard work. But good to remember, you weren't always there and the time will come when life changes. And it's always good to learn from our experiences!!
Good to be humble