Marni had a superpower. She couldn’t fly or read minds. She wasn’t insanely strong and couldn’t breathe water. Her superpower was not knowing better than to take a chance. It was saying yes to whatever came up in life. It had served her well.
When Marni was seventeen, she drove her old, beat-up Dodge Colt across the country to visit an older friend who had moved away three years before. That friend was singing in a band in a local bar. Marni didn’t know she couldn’t be in a bar, even on stage. She just got up there and joined in. When the talent agent signed the band, Marni got a fake ID and lied about her age.
When Marni decided she wanted to write a book about her experiences on the road, she didn’t know she should find a literary agent and submit it to publishers. She hunted down the resources she needed and published the books on her own. She sold them out of the back of the band’s van. She sold so many copies an agent came looking for her.
So when the urge came to walk away from the grind of touring and settle in New Mexico selling pottery and new age jewelry to tourists, Marni didn’t think twice. She bought a car, packed a suitcase, stuffed her dog and cat into the back seat, and drove, trusting her superpower would carry her on to her next great adventure.
A dear friend and I were messaging back and forth recently and she commented that saying yes to whatever comes up in life is her superpower. I agree with her a hundred percent. She is amazing at this and always does well (eventually). She reads this newsletter and, I’m sure, will recognize herself in this story (though she didn’t specifically do everything Marni did). She also didn’t know that her comment would act as a story prompt, and I didn’t tell her, wanting this to be a surprise. Love you friend!
Taking (reasonable) risks and saying yes when opportunities arise is a good recipe for an interesting, fulfilling life. “Fortune favors the brave” is a fairly accurate cliche. It has paid off for me countless times. Stepping out of that comfort zone (being brave) and viewing life as an adventure is essential.
As your story illustrates.
Believing in yourself and taking chances makes life interesting.