“You’ll never know unless you try.”
Benny scowled at Louise over the rims of his glasses. “Cliché much?”
“I’m serious. You keep talking about this and doing nothing to make it a reality.”
Relenting, Benny held out a hand. Louise took it and sat on his lap, snuggling in.
“You really think I can do this?”
“I know you can, babe.” Louise picked up Benny’s tablet from the end table beside them and swiped to an already open, filled out form.
Taking the tablet from her, Benny said, “You’re more confident than me about this.”
Louise snorted. “I’m more confident than you about everything. But you’re the one with the talent.”
“Okay,” Benny said. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Opening them, he hit send. His audition tape was on its way to half a dozen agents. There was no taking it back.
Louise jumped off his lap and ran to the kitchen, returning with two glasses and a bottle of bubbly she had bought for just this occasion.
“Don’t you think that’s a little premature?” Benny asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Nope. This is the cheap stuff. I’m saving the good stuff for when you hear back.”
“If I hear back.”
The ping of a message hitting his phone interrupted Louise’s answer. Another quickly followed, then four more. Benny stared at his phone for a long moment.
“Uh, Weezy?”
“Better break out the good stuff.”
I’ve been writing a lot of darker stories lately. My mood, like most people’s, has been affected by the many crises facing the world today. It’s leeched into my writing. I made a deliberate choice to lighten things up today. Hope you liked the result!
So much of who I am is more visible to others than to me. Believing in ourselves and having hope? Yes!! Even if in trying we fall down a few times before we run the marathon ☺️
Trying is always the scariest part!