Esme woke already smiling. Today she was heading to Gramps’s house for the summer. If she had her way, she’d live with him year-round. She did like Vancouver, really. And she loved her courses at the university. But neither of those called to her like the river that flowed past the old farmhouse.
The river whispered to her, lulling her to sleep at night, beckoning her to ride its gentle current downstream each morning. Along its shores she found peace like nowhere else. Jumping into her already packed car, she headed toward a summer of joy, hoping Gramps would wait for her to catch the fish for tonight’s dinner.
I loved this title when the prompt generator brought it up. I usually don’t. Sometimes they’re interesting enough that I’ll alter them and use them. Most often, I pass them by. I used this one exactly as generated. Hope you liked the result.
Not just the summer off, but a summer on the river with Gramps! Nice work, Dascha.
Ah. A whole summer off. What a dream.