The sole survivor of a shipwreck, she clung to detritus, coming to rest at last on an island far from any shipping lanes.
An incessant wind blew across this island, cooling her during hot days, chilling her through cold nights. She hated that wind. After many failed attempts, she built a sturdy home. Shelter from the wind. A place, other than the branches of a tree, from which she could shelter from the wild boar she eventually learned to hunt to supplement the grains and fruit she first foraged, later cultivated.
Over the years of her solitude, she learned the wind’s moods, its whispers, its secrets. It became a friend, warning of storm, foretelling rain and sun, carrying the scent of boar and ripened tree fruits.
Until one day, long after she had stopped thinking of her former existence, stopped even referring to herself by the name she had worn, an unfamiliar scent wafted toward her on a gentle breeze. She followed it, warily, to its source.
Fear, then wonder, gripped her when she saw a great ship well offshore and a much smaller boat disgorging men and women accompanied by what looked like equipment, though for what purpose she could not say.
Approach or flee? The decision was taken from her when one of the women pointed at her and shouted. Realizing she did not truly hope for rescue, she resigned herself to at least speaking with the interlopers.
Her voice, at first, failed her. She hadn’t spoken out loud in years. When she had told her story, the leader of the landing party explained they were here to determine if the island would be suitable for a holiday resort and that they would return her to civilization when they left.
She recoiled at the thought, having grown accustomed to her solitude. In the end, the island proved too small and perpetually windy to meet the developer’s needs. As she waved at the departing ship, supplies and tools resting on the beach beside her, she thanked the wind for its presence.
This BMAC story was inspired by the title, which was prompted. Today I decided to experiment with the option of making the accompanying image full width. I think it’s okay with this particular image, but wouldn’t do this with all images. What do you think?
I'm sure I'd jump on that ship, no hesitation! I have learned, over the past couple of years, just how valuable my friends and family are to me, not necessarily in that order. Which is surprising, I always imagined myself a real loner. I guess I enjoy my downtime but I'd miss hugs, for sure. And I'd probably be ravenous!! 🤣🤣🤣
Great story Dascha. I wonder what I would do? I like being alone, but probably not perpetually. I think I would have returned and wrote a book about my time on the island. And basked in my 15 minutes of fame. 🤣