Not a fan of spiders, at all. I appreciate what they do for the flowers and vegetables but I have my world and they have theirs and it's very, very nice when those worlds don't collide. I'm even too freaked out by them to get close enough to kill them. Although I will catch and release. It's just someone else's job unless I have no choice...
My kids are fond of rescuing spiders and delivering them safely outside. Our dog loves to eat spiders and bees. It's fun watching them try and save the spiders from the dog who is not a skilled hunter.
I read a book when I was a child called “Be Nice to Spiders” and have respected them ever since. I would only kill the bad ones, ie- Black Widow and Brown Recluse.
A spider for a pet? Lol, weird..
It certainly wouldn't be my choice!
Lol. A spider for a pet. Weird. I am not afraid of spiders.
I try not to be. I'm not particularly successful, though. I'm not afraid of snakes.
Not a fan of spiders, at all. I appreciate what they do for the flowers and vegetables but I have my world and they have theirs and it's very, very nice when those worlds don't collide. I'm even too freaked out by them to get close enough to kill them. Although I will catch and release. It's just someone else's job unless I have no choice...
Yeah, I'm pretty squeamish around them too.
My kids are fond of rescuing spiders and delivering them safely outside. Our dog loves to eat spiders and bees. It's fun watching them try and save the spiders from the dog who is not a skilled hunter.
I've never understood why dogs like to eat bees. My daughter calls them jalapeños sky candy!
Wonderful story, Im good with spiders until they're crawling on me!
Yup. That's a definite no.
Anthony names the spiders in our home, and we don't kill them, either. Anthony will move them if they are in an inconvenient spot.
We try to do the same, but we do get giant house spiders that scare me half to death. One intruded on Elle in the bathroom last night.
I read a book when I was a child called “Be Nice to Spiders” and have respected them ever since. I would only kill the bad ones, ie- Black Widow and Brown Recluse.
My aversion to spiders is the instinctive one most humans share. I know they're important, killing many insects that damage plants.
I try to put them outside. But I leave the huge ones to my son.