I think we can all relate to this story. I have become so much more adept at speaking out against radicalized statements. I have to admit my initial attempts weren't all that well-spoken but hopefully practice makes perfect. At times, I simply walked away because I wasn't sure if it was the right time or place. I was concerned about confrontation and I may do the same thing in a similar situation. But I have come to understand it is a learning moment, both for me and the person I am speaking to. As a senior, growing up in the 50s so much was acceptable because of the lack of knowledge about what was really happening, where the words or phrases came from, and what the impact was on the listener or individual. With time, hopefully knowledge will take the place of ignorance and healing will take the place of hurt. To me, it's about being the change I want to see in the world. If I want it to be a kinder place to live, then let it start with me. Here. Now. Today.
Well said, Laura. We all make mistakes, especially those of us who grew up in a less aware time. The willingness to be corrected, to learn, and to grow is so important.
I think we can all relate to this story. I have become so much more adept at speaking out against radicalized statements. I have to admit my initial attempts weren't all that well-spoken but hopefully practice makes perfect. At times, I simply walked away because I wasn't sure if it was the right time or place. I was concerned about confrontation and I may do the same thing in a similar situation. But I have come to understand it is a learning moment, both for me and the person I am speaking to. As a senior, growing up in the 50s so much was acceptable because of the lack of knowledge about what was really happening, where the words or phrases came from, and what the impact was on the listener or individual. With time, hopefully knowledge will take the place of ignorance and healing will take the place of hurt. To me, it's about being the change I want to see in the world. If I want it to be a kinder place to live, then let it start with me. Here. Now. Today.
Well said, Laura. We all make mistakes, especially those of us who grew up in a less aware time. The willingness to be corrected, to learn, and to grow is so important.