A quick haiku for tonight's blood moon. Does anyone else want to try your hand? 3 lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables.
moon shines defiant
apple cheeks facing mother earth
denying eclipse
I wrote this on my phone, which insisted on double spacing the haiku. Oh well. Your turn!
Sitting in silence
Watching time slipping by me
Embracing moments
OK. That was fun 😊
Beautiful haiku!
Damn, I saw a red moon years ago as a child. It's beautiful.
I love a blood moon. I don't think I'll get to see this one. It's cloudy and rainy here. Besides, I'm down with COVID. 😪
Sitting in silence
Watching time slipping by me
Embracing moments
OK. That was fun 😊
Beautiful haiku!
Damn, I saw a red moon years ago as a child. It's beautiful.
I love a blood moon. I don't think I'll get to see this one. It's cloudy and rainy here. Besides, I'm down with COVID. 😪