When Marla joined the Twitterverse, she thought it was great. Quick, short messages from people that mattered to her.
As social platforms multiplied, she joined a few more, but Twitter remained her main hangout. Until it became overwhelming with more tweets coming across her feed than she could read even if she spent hours at it each day.
Marla pared down her follow list. She discovered she could tell Twitter to notify her of tweets from people whose feeds she really wanted to see.
Only Twitter didn’t send her notifications. Sadly, Marla folded up her Twitter wings and flew away.
This story was inspired by my own adventures with Twitter. I haven’t flown away, but I do miss most of the tweets from my colleagues and friends, buried in a sea of tweets I can’t keep up with. I follow about ten percent of the people who follow me. Alas, the feed is still overwhelming! I can’t seem to get Twitter to show me what I really want and need to see.
What’s your experience with media? Do you participate? Is it frustrating or fun?
I've never joined it. And, when I read comments or articles about what can be posted, I've never been inspired to try it. Luckily, I have no reason to bother with the frustration.
I begrudgingly joined Twitter about two years ago, because “that’s what writers do.” Like most social media, it is a time waster. And I think Twitter has the most convoluted interface of any social media. It really is hard to follow anything on Twitter.
You can make Lists of you favorites and check those. The main Twitter feed is like Facebook. Full of rants and negativity that it don’t need in my life. Not to mention those ridiculous “writers lifts” and the same writer questions that get asked a million times. I only pop in occasionally. I don’t find much worth my time. Although some really enjoy it. They must see something I don’t. 🤓