There’s nothing better than walking around barefoot in the summertime!

Yes to the bear story! 😊

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Barefooting it is the best!

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I felt like you were writing about me! I'm the old lady in the park that kicks off her shoes and socks and stands with her arms open and face turned to the sun, barefoot in the park. People smile but I think they're wishing they could do this, too. And, of course, my friend the cedar tree that I spent so many hours in as a child. Yes. This story reawakens my child! Thank you 💕

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You're welcome! I think it speaks to the child in all of us.

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I'm excited for summer to finally come where I live so we can all go barefoot again!

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Walking with our feet bare brings us to this now moment quickly grounding us.

Yes to a bear story.

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Yes, Barb! You're so right. I'm going to have to think about a bear story now. Thinking cap on.

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As I read the story I allowed myself to feel and see and hear all the things this woman was feeling. I grew up in Florida and my favorite footwear was - none! So bare feet in cool green grass is familiar. There was also a little creek nearby where we’d go catch little prawn. Loved the bear’s bare feet - perfect!

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I lived in bare feet every summer when I was a kid. And I loved catching and releasing frogs in the creek near home!

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Bare feet and bear feet rock!

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Rock, grass, sand, dirt. Doesn't matter where, they're both awesome! 😉

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Maybe that’s why we like going to the beach so much! Because we are connecting with the earth in bare feet there too, plus feeling the awesome power of the waves.

Sure! He’s a cutie, I’m sure you could bring him to life!

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That may be part of the allure of the beach. I know it can be for me.

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