How many times I've witnessed the fear, if you only knew the real me. I was like that, too, when I was younger, and it was so hard. I guess that's a gift of age... take me or leave me. I am who I am and that's all I can be. I heard a saying once that I took to heart, "If I try to be you who is going to be me?"

And I agree about Valentine's Day. One of the greatest loves I think we can hold in our hearts is self-love. Yes, I mess up and have blips, big and small, but I do my best and work hard to do better. However, I accept I'm not perfect and never will be. I wish that for everyone, especially the children. Be you, my darlings, in all your colours because you're the only one that can be❤️

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Beautifully said! I love the saying too!!

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I won’t be celebrating with a partner, but I feel the love of my family, friends, and, of course, Jace, my dog. I also feel love for the children of the world and wish happiness for them and all of you today and every day.

Love is love and sometimes, we can't change it.

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Absolutely, Annelise, but we can try to be careful about where we bestow our love. Sometimes it's healthier to be alone.

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Valentine’s Day isn’t just about romance and whether or not you have a significant other in your life. I think it’s about love of all kinds. Some of the images I created were about exactly that.

Bbbeeeaaauuufffiiifffuuulll. I agree.

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Thanks, Annelise.

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True love accepts you as you are. Loved the story.

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Thanks so much Mark.

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Dascha, you've spun up another wonderful tale--this is the kind of stuff I'd love to see more of on V-day in the future! Beautiful work.

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Thank you, Chippy!

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Fun story. Happy Valentine's Day Dascha.

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Happy Valentine's Day, Carol!

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Loving the hidden bits, yes! Sending love to you and all the children 💘

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Right back at you dear friend!

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perfect love story for Valentine's day. Thank you Dascha for reminding us to accept ourselves and others with all our quirks. All want to be seen, heard, and loved.

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Thank you so much, Barb. I know that the road to self-acceptance is long and often painful. Valentine's Day accentuates feelings of unworthiness and unlovableness for many. But it doesn't have to if only we shift the focus just a little.

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