Born of stardust dreams
I reach forever inward
Look to find you there
Magic butterfly
Bioluminescent lace
Lull me into dreams
Darkness buried Rose
Reaches ever toward light
Dreaming of the sun
I decided to browse through older Midjourney images for inspiration today. The first immediately suggested a haiku, and I knew what I would be writing today! (day of creation, not publication)
That image was part of a series I did on space goddesses. The other two both came from one on bioluminescence. I had difficulty choosing which rose to use because there were several I really liked. Ultimately, I chose this one because the others had some swirls that I didn’t like as much.
The common thread throughout these haiku is, of course, dreams. The third is, I think, a little more obscure. It’s a metaphor for depression, which I have lived with (Bipolar II) for more than 50 years.
I love the light in this bioluminescent rose. Even the darkness doesn’t fully extinguish this light, this hope for the sun coming out again. This haiku is for everyone who lives with mental illness in any form. Never stop reaching for the light.
I enjoyed your haiku! Thanks.
I love all the haiku, but I’m especially taken with the way you used bioluminescence in the second line of the second poem!