“You know this is crazy, right?”
Jeri winced at the words. She had expected Nan to be more supportive. After all, Jeri had been there for her through every hare-brained stunt she had pulled through both high school and university.
She had brought Nan on this camping trip to try to revive some of that old feeling in her. Jeri was determined to follow her dream regardless, but it was important to her that Nan accepted her choice. Jeri needed this. She had been lost when her husband had died unexpectedly four years ago. Keeping her children going had kept her going as well. And then she had found amateur theater. It had brought her alive again.
“So what if it is?” Jeri asked. “Aren’t I allowed to be a little crazy at this stage of my life? I’ve followed the rules for the last twenty-five years. I think I deserve this.”
“But how are you going to pay the bills?”
Jeri laughed. “I thought you knew me better than that. I’m an accountant, Nan. My house is paid off, the kids are all out of the house and have college funds. I have investments and Don’s insurance. I’ll be fine.”
Nan sighed. “I guess what I’m really worried about is you moving so far away. I know you’re keeping the house in case you decide to come back. But I kind of feel like you’re leaving me behind.”
Jeri pulled her best friend in for a quick hug. “You’re pretty well set yourself. You could come with…”
“And do what? You’re really going off to try to start an acting career at you age?”
“I’m only forty-five, for God’s sake. You act like we’re both ancient. What happened to that carefree girl I used to know?”
Nan stopped, looking stunned. “I don’t know,” she finally ventured. “She got lost somewhere along the way.”
“Well,” Jeri said, laughing, “I think it’s about time you found her again. Pack a bag!”
This story was inspired by the longstanding (and highly successful) slogan “Freedom 55.”
Although I am way past that age, I am more like Jeri and still open to adventure. I never act my age 🤣😂
I've read this story a couple of times now. I've been thinking a lot about how children dream, no limits or boundaries. I'm going to be a doctor or an astronaut or bake cookies. No worries about how it will happen or how the bills will get paid. How magical. Now I'm retired and wiser. There are so many dreams I know I no longer have the desire to make come true but I'm learning every day to stop letting that stop me from dreaming and, yes, I can still dream without limits but with a little wisdom on top ☺️