I've read this story a couple of times now. I've been thinking a lot about how children dream, no limits or boundaries. I'm going to be a doctor or an astronaut or bake cookies. No worries about how it will happen or how the bills will get paid. How magical. Now I'm retired and wiser. There are so many dreams I know I no longer have the desire to make come true but I'm learning every day to stop letting that stop me from dreaming and, yes, I can still dream without limits but with a little wisdom on top ☺️

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Yes! The addition of life experience to the mix can be helpful as long as we don't let ourselves become jaded.

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I love Jeri’s attitude and perspective! She’s got it figured out.

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She's an inspiration for all of us!

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Life is an adventure. You don’t have to stop being adventurous when you get older. It keeps you young in spirit.

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I absolutely agree. People choose to be "old" or they choose to be "young." I choose the latter!

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Dascha, Love this story.

I've had a similar conversation with a friend who lives in another (US) state. Her four kids are all married, moved away, and some have given her grand-kids. She's beginning new adventures in her mid-60s. I was thrilled when she sent me a video of her and her husband riding Ebikes on a secluded beach!

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That is so awesome! My body restricts what I can do, but I still find fun. One of my best friends is in her seventies and she can run circles around the younger crowd!

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We live in such a youth obsessed culture. I find myself drawn to stories with heroes that are in middle age or older. So many interesting things can happen when you’ve lived some life! As someone embarking on a crazy career change at 45+ I especially loved this story!

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Hey, I'm doing another turn in my 60s. Never stop growing. Never stop changing!

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Although I am way past that age, I am more like Jeri and still open to adventure. I never act my age 🤣😂

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I'm so long past that age, and always act my age--forever young, that is! 😉🤣

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