Frogs are real! Several years ago we stayed at an inn along a river in Vietnam. Around bedtime (these things always happen around bedtime) we heard a rustling sound along a curtain-covered wall. Being the terrified type when it comes to wildlife that's somehow managed to find its way indoors, we called the inn's front desk. It was just a frog. They just opened the door and out it popped.

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That's a great story, Bill! I was fascinated with Frida when I was a girl. I used to catch and release them.

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I'd love for my picture of the puppy in the snow to come to life... not so much the bear 🐻😏

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Yeah, maybe not the bear.

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What a great story, Dascha! Thanks for the shout-out, too. I like your spin on the prompt. I think I’ll give it a whirl and see what I come up with!

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That's awesome! I can't wait to see your take on it.

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What a fun story and challenge! I love Ana's work, Unconditional Love is so joyful.

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I'm so glad you liked at it. She's so talented.

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Cute story and lovely painting! My mom loved frogs and had several Knick knacks of them around her house. I’ll think about your challenge and try to get something posted!

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Can't wait to read it!

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