Cute story. And please wish a very belated birthday to your daughter 🎉

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Thanks, Laura. I will!

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Here in AZ, we watch for "Agua Fria Freddie", a Danger Noodle (rattlesnake). If he's ready to come out and sun himself on the rocks, we know winter is coming to and end.

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That's fascinating. I've never heard of a snake to predict winter's end. Really, it's the opposite of the groundhog tradition, since it would surely see its shadow in the sun!

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"Freddie" was created by our Flood District, so he's actually for public relations to remind the public to conserve water, to use our limited resource wisely.

But, it's fun when they post about Agua Fria Freddie on Feb. 2nd.

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Cute story! I love the movie Groundhog Day too. It's an easy movie to rewatch again and again

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It really is! Thanks, Jason.

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Thanks, Carol!

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😂😂😂 you slay me Dascha this is awesome. Gary looks fresh too. Great pic.

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Thanks! Glad you enjoyed Gary and his antics.

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