This is funny. Safe too. Lol. I love it.

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So true, failure is failing to try. I tell myself, what do I have to lose, keep trying, keep learning from my goals, and endeavours, kick those negative thoughts to the curb.

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It's a good philosophy, Barb. I think the only real failure is not trying. Everything else is either an achievement or something learned (which is also an achievement).

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One of my favourite commands to myself. I think I've caused myself so much angst in my life, worrying and planning and trying to sort out the most probable outcome. Sometimes that was wise but other times? I beat myself up and worried ever so needlessly. Now I just do it!

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And isn't life more fun? 😊

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Another thought... yes, more fun but also far less negative and fear oriented. Although a pause can prevent disaster, I would often build bridges to cross... what if's taking control. Now I look to see how far the bottom is and what I might land on and if I decide after that to leap... I just do it! Less time thinking makes more time for, you got it, fun!!

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A little caution is never a bad thing. Paralysis, on the other hand, is.

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"In 24-72 hours, after review." 🤣

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🤣 Artistic license. Instant publication!

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