I love the twist. The little guy was a really cute surprise. I find the concept "maybe the delay is for a reason" has made me far more patient day to day. I remember reading about some of the employees who were delayed getting to work on 9/11 and how that delay saved them. I've never had any events so monumental arise but I still think of those folks, take a breath, and try to remember I am where I am for a reason.

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Sometimes "bad" events are blessings in disguise.

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What a twist at the end; good work, Dascha!

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I like to be twisty sometimes. 😉

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Wonderful story and i love your mind!

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It's a little twisty, for sure, but I like it that way.

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Thanks for another fun story! I love that the quarter in the picture is a bicentennial quarter from 1976. Since I'm a bicentennial baby, I always love seeing these special quarters!

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I picked it just for you! 😉

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Good story!

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Thanks, Kim. 🙂

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