Been there, lost in a dark place. Always grateful for the light that leads me home. Very well written. Creates the feeling so well in so few words 💖
Thank you friend. We've both inhabited dark places.
Damn, been here. But #Iintend2survive so I found a way out. Lol
Glad you did! It's no picnic.
What a long, strange trip it's been!
Hasn't it, though?
What an wonderfully eerie story!
Thanks, Jason!
That’s a great pairing! Such a weird portrait! Certainly sires tales like yours!
Thank, Kim. And it certainly does!
Been there, lost in a dark place. Always grateful for the light that leads me home. Very well written. Creates the feeling so well in so few words 💖
Thank you friend. We've both inhabited dark places.
Damn, been here. But #Iintend2survive so I found a way out. Lol
Glad you did! It's no picnic.
What a long, strange trip it's been!
Hasn't it, though?
What an wonderfully eerie story!
Thanks, Jason!
That’s a great pairing! Such a weird portrait! Certainly sires tales like yours!
Thank, Kim. And it certainly does!