Yes, I've found my world and abilities change as I'm aging. Mostly I'm just accepting them and adjusting my sails so I can keep moving forward. Others require change but, like you said, new pathways ❤️

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I think adaptability is key. Find things that work and life can still be rich!

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Love ninja animals!

And, your vulnerability about your physical limitations. We, also, use our hands in our creative endeavors, and can empathize somewhat with the pain you feel. Thank you for the encouragement to always press ahead, persevere, and not give up!

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Thank you so much, Jenise.

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OMG, I love this image and story! I'm still either ignoring and/or ignoring my handicaps! Probably could dust them off and give them a polish. Thanks for the inspiration to keep going and to acknowledge the quirks.

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I'm so glad you liked it, Connie I really love Kiya, now that I've embraced her imperfections.

I've definitely discovered that ignoring pain and disability doesn't afford me the best chance of making the most of life. I find acceptance and then am able to look directly at them and find my workarounds.

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We've come to love all the extra digits and oddities of Midjourney output! They're a little quirky and weird and we adore them for it. Midjourney's founder suggested it'll sort itself out with time and as new versions are released. We suspect that to be true, with a little finessing we're able to get some pretty nice hands already!

Love the story and the commentary, thanks for a great read.

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Yes! I've noticed lately that some of my images are coming out with okay hands these days. Most of the time not, though. It's best if fingers aren't featured! 🤣

Thanks for your kind words, Chippy. Today I'll be putting our collaboration together for publication in March! So excited!!!

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