Morning smile 😊

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Always happy to oblige, my friend.

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Sweet. Sometimes our children will surprise us. 🤓

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How great to have a kid helping in the kitchen! To the Fridge! That's Love 💞

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This story touched me. I love that Talia knew if she said she was hungry her mother, as tired and stressed as she was, would come and help her solve the problem (even though this time she didn't really have a problem!) I think so much about how being there for people in the little moments is what builds trust that allows us to work together to solve bigger problems.

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Absolutely, Jason. If you can't trust people in the little moments, how could you ever hope to in the big ones?

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Congrats on selling merch! Loved the story; very sweet!

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Thanks, Jenise!

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This is a lovely, beautiful story. I love the last line, “I love you to the fridge and back," too.

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Thanks, Bill!

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