Something beautiful to hold on to in the midst of chaos. This reminds me of the line from the poem... I heard a bird sing in the dark of December, a beautiful thing and sweet to remember. Proof that life will return to normal. I like this story, I can relate.

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Thank you! And I'm honored that you would relate it to beautiful poetry.

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That too close to home since towns near us were recently devastated by tornados! Still, it was a beautiful concept. 😉

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I agree. Unfortunate timing on this one. I tee up stories to publish, sometimes as much as two months in advance. I don't know what a day's story will be until after it publishes because I don't keep track once they're in the system and ready to go sometimes things comes together in ways we don't expect.

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I really like the juxtaposition here.

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Thanks, Justin.

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