I really like the concept. I'd not heard the words before but I'm sure nature does that all the time. And nature can be creative. When I see a single small cloud in a clear blue sky, I think to myself that seeing a drawing like that would not seem realistic. But leave it to nature to challenge our preconceptions of beauty!
I really like the concept. I'd not heard the words before but I'm sure nature does that all the time. And nature can be creative. When I see a single small cloud in a clear blue sky, I think to myself that seeing a drawing like that would not seem realistic. But leave it to nature to challenge our preconceptions of beauty!
Yes! Nature often paints "unrealistic" pictures, which begs the question. On what do we base our perception of reality?
Interesting question...
That's nice, great imagination! Getting more dye 🤣
Overdye is such a cool idea!
I love the imagery and your imagination.
Thanks so much, Bill. That's high praise, coming from you!
I like the idea of color added, so both are present creating a new color.
It's pretty cool!