Nico's love of peanut butter ice cream reminds me of my search for banana ice cream from Islay's in Pennsylvania. I have only found it twice since childhood. Islay's was also known for chip chopped ham, which is very thinly sliced ham. I don't eat ham anymore, but I have found banana split ice cream on the west coast.

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Banana split ice cream sounds amazing. You'll have to let me know exactly where you've found it.

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A sweet story. I also like how it came full circle. But a memory of mine. When my girls were small, I had an overripe watermelon. Since I didn't have a lot of money, nothing went to waste so I pulverized and strained it and then froze the juice in plastic popsicle containers. They not only loved it, they tried buying some and, of course, nothing tasted as good as their memory of those homemade ones.

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That is a wonderful story, Laura! Homemade "popsicles" are the best.

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I enjoyed how the story came full circle. 😊

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And hard!

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Wow, how sweet. I was thinking it was just going to be frozen peanut butter 😂

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Hmm. Frozen peant butter. While it might be delicious, I don't think it would taste or feel like ice cream. 🤣

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