Way to go, Lena!!

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Yup. Stand up and be counted!

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I'd never considered myself an animal person. I like them fine in the wild, but not in my home. Our children over the years have convinced us to get all kinds of pets. My main rule has always been that we only get pets that we can do a great job of taking care of. It's our moral duty to provide a good life for the animals in our care.

Over time, I've become more of an animal person. Our kids begged for years for a dog. They even made slideshows to convince us. We finally got Loki 3 years ago, and I have to admit it would be hard to imagine life without him. Especially since I'm his favorite person. :)

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Dogs just know! My Jace is the love of my life! (Don't tell my grandsons. πŸ˜‰) I have a granddog named Loki!

I agree that at have a duty to care for our animal companions to the best of our ability. Your commitment is typical of what I know of you, Jason. You're a great human being. πŸ₯°

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Something rotten here! I agree with Kevin!

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He's a smart man! It's why we keep him in the family. πŸ˜‰

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I have always found that people who do not like animals in general are self centered, untrustworthy, and totally lacking in empathy. Just as a society can be judged on how its weakest members are treated, individuals can be judged on how they treat and feel toward animals.

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Absolutely, Kevin. Something we've always agreed on!

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I completely agree with this sentiment. I’ve always found it to be true as well.

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