Seanna couldn’t face going home. She had just been to the hospital, where the news from the doctors had been bad. Les had days left, at best. Seanna had practically been living at the hospital, his only support. Really, they’d only had each other these last ten years since their father had died of the same cancer that was now taking Les from her.
She did have friends who told her to call any time. She could have done so now, but she had always been reluctant to lean on others. Instead of calling, she found herself turning into the parking lot of the pet store Amanda managed. That counted as reaching out for support, right?
Though Seanna had half expected Amanda to be off today, her friend looked up from the till as she came through the door. Amanda finished bagging up a customer’s purchase and joined Seanna at the door.
“You look awful.”
“Thanks, Mandy. Don’t sugar coat it for me.” Seanna felt the hot sting of tears as the emotion she’d be holding back for days spilled over. “He’s dying.”
Amanda wrapped her arms around Seanna and held her, gently maneuvering her toward the small office at the back of the store. She waited while Seanna cried it out, supplying tissues before Seanna asked.
“You don’t have to be superwoman, you know. We’re all here for you.”
“I know,” Seanna said, dabbing at the last of her tears. “But it’s always just been us, you know. Me and Les against the world.”
“It doesn’t have to be.” Amanda looked thoughtful for a moment. “I know what you need. Wait here.”
She returned a few minutes later with a litter box, a bag, and a tiny, calico kitten. “You’re going to need someone to come home to. Someone who needs you.”
Seanna’s heart fluttered and her breath caught as Amanda placed the kitten in her hands. She hadn’t had a pet since she was twelve. But this felt right. She held the kitten to her chest, feeling the vibration of her purr. “You don’t have to…” But she was already lost. The kitten was hers.
There seems to be a theme to this month’s Sunday stories. This one is very loosely based on how my cat Keiko came to me. Keiko is long gone now, but she got me through the death of one of my brothers. She was a beautiful long-haired calico and the sweetest cat you could imagine.
I always love reading your stories!
How true. 🤓