I like the way you have presented the issues. I think there is a real feeling of separation in the world and that we arev

safe from what happens "to them" or "over there". I see this with the threats to democracy and to our environment that surround us every day. And I'm Kelly, I have to speak up. I believe I have to care in order to ensure my grandchildren have a wonderful world in which to grow.

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Once again, we're on the same page.

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Thanks for 2.0, point taken. So true our democracyare at stake. I'm not sure what to do, Dascha, and I'll share your story.

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Dear heart, I think all we can do is to try to raise awareness and hope that people will vote like their lives depend on it.

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I’m a single issue voter. I vote for the candidates that will do the most to promote and protect democracy. In the current U.S. political environment, that means I won’t vote for any Republican for any office. Thanks for your timely story my friend

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No one who cares about democracy can afford to be anything but a single issue voter. And that issue can't be inflation!

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