“Well, that was dramatic,” Nate deadpanned, barely sparing a glance at his young nephew.
Liam lay spluttering on the floor in front of him. “Mom is going to kill you. You’re supposed to be babysitting me, not soaking me with ice water.”
“And you’re supposed to be eight, not two. You’re a little old for temper tantrums.”
Liam reddened, this time in embarrassment, rather than anger. “I can’t help it. You know I have control issues.”
Nate snorted. “I know you conveniently lose it when you don’t get your way. I also know it’s never happened at school, where you care about what the other kids think of you. You may be able to play your mother, kid, but I know better.”
Liam’s eyes narrowed as he seemed to take measure of his uncle. “What would you know about it?”
“Everything kid. I mastered the art when I was your age. But here’s the thing. You’re going to be twelve in a few years. You’re going to start noticing girls. Even though you don’t do it at school, they know it happens elsewhere. You still have time for them to forget. But that window is narrowing. Unless you want to spend your teenage years without a date, I suggest you clean up your act, now.”
Liam swallowed and nodded. “Okay, I get it.”
“Great,” Nate said, handing Liam a mop. “And while you’re thinking, you can clean up this mess.”
This micro is a recycled BMAC story. I seem to remember it being inspired by the ice bucket challenge, which was used to raise awareness of and funds for ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig’s disease). Here’s a link to the Wiki on it, if you’re interested (and somehow don’t already know about the challenge).
Made me smile. When she was 4, my youngest tried the tantrum game a couple of times but learned I was ok with it. I let her scream and cry and work out her anger as I stood close by, smiling at the strangers in the mall when she wanted a doll she couldn't have and then once at a friend's when it was time to leave. That was all it took for her to figure out a smile got her a lot more!
An adult not indulging a child? This must be fiction. 🤣