Made me smile. When she was 4, my youngest tried the tantrum game a couple of times but learned I was ok with it. I let her scream and cry and work out her anger as I stood close by, smiling at the strangers in the mall when she wanted a doll she couldn't have and then once at a friend's when it was time to leave. That was all it took for her to figure out a smile got her a lot more!
Good parenting! Tantrums never got my children anywhere they wanted to go either. My daughter only had to throw one once in a McDonald's play area to get herself banned for a month. I made her count off each day of that month on a calendar with me, even though in reality, we rarely went to McDonalds, she got the message. It never happened again. Anywhere.
Made me smile. When she was 4, my youngest tried the tantrum game a couple of times but learned I was ok with it. I let her scream and cry and work out her anger as I stood close by, smiling at the strangers in the mall when she wanted a doll she couldn't have and then once at a friend's when it was time to leave. That was all it took for her to figure out a smile got her a lot more!
Good parenting! Tantrums never got my children anywhere they wanted to go either. My daughter only had to throw one once in a McDonald's play area to get herself banned for a month. I made her count off each day of that month on a calendar with me, even though in reality, we rarely went to McDonalds, she got the message. It never happened again. Anywhere.
An adult not indulging a child? This must be fiction. 🤣
Must be! 😉
What a great uncle!
For sure! We all need someone like that in our lives.