I loved this story and it made me chuckle. I also have an eclectic group of friends. A few I have never met in person who mean just as much to me as in person friends. I’m lucky enough to have friends of all ages. I’m always surprised and so happy when the 20-somethings want to spend time together. I’m 71 so there are health concerns and conversations but also nature, books, hobbies, recipes, just all the normal life stuff. Thanks for the story and the discussion. ❤️
I am 80. So are my friends. We try not to talk much about our health issues. We meet less but have long phone conversations. We talk about interesting programs we saw or heard and books we read or listened to. Audiobooks are a blessing for whoever’s eyesight is failing.
There really is so much more to discuss than our health, isn't there? I'm 65 and have friends of all ages. We connect through so many different interests. And I love audiobooks as well. I often listen while I walk, but sometimes they allow me to "read" when the brain fog and exhaustion get in the way of focusing on a page
I did have an overnight party of my eclectic women friends for my 75th birthday and a HS friend who was also turning 75. All 9 were amazed when meeting for the first time how much they have in common. So much that a woman who will be 65 and one who will be 80 who had never met are thinking of planning another birthday overnight in March.
It would be great if I could gather my good friends together all at once. But it’s one at a time - and that’s just fine too. But we are very different ages. I might be the oldest. But I lived through my awful illnesses in my earlier years. Two are very healthy, another is not so much yet she’s the youngest of us. Three of us never had kids but one is babysitting her grand nieces and nephews and we treat them as if they were her grandchildren. Life is such a strange thing, how it works it’s way through all these connections and jobs and the real people who stick around 💖
It really is! I've mentioned before that most of my friends don't know one another. They're an eclectic bunch, cherry-picked from different areas of my eclectic life, and scattered around the world. I don't think a gathering is in the cards for me either.
Nice story ❤️ How wonderful to think of them being together through all of their changes. 😊
Thanks, Laura. There is something to be said for staying put and laying down roots. I never managed that, moving around the country.
Funny, I didn't either and I'm only an hour away from where I lived as a child and have never lived anywhere else. Life style? Maybe.
I loved this story and it made me chuckle. I also have an eclectic group of friends. A few I have never met in person who mean just as much to me as in person friends. I’m lucky enough to have friends of all ages. I’m always surprised and so happy when the 20-somethings want to spend time together. I’m 71 so there are health concerns and conversations but also nature, books, hobbies, recipes, just all the normal life stuff. Thanks for the story and the discussion. ❤️
I love that we can now have far- flung friendships with people we haven't met in person. It certainly opens up the world to us in a whole new way!
I am 80. So are my friends. We try not to talk much about our health issues. We meet less but have long phone conversations. We talk about interesting programs we saw or heard and books we read or listened to. Audiobooks are a blessing for whoever’s eyesight is failing.
There really is so much more to discuss than our health, isn't there? I'm 65 and have friends of all ages. We connect through so many different interests. And I love audiobooks as well. I often listen while I walk, but sometimes they allow me to "read" when the brain fog and exhaustion get in the way of focusing on a page
Geezers! Walking each other home stuff, love the story Dascha. Nice to have friends to journey with.
Thanks, Connie. I didn't think of it that way, but yes, you're right.
I did have an overnight party of my eclectic women friends for my 75th birthday and a HS friend who was also turning 75. All 9 were amazed when meeting for the first time how much they have in common. So much that a woman who will be 65 and one who will be 80 who had never met are thinking of planning another birthday overnight in March.
That's wonderful, Barb! What a joyful gathering. 💖
It would be great if I could gather my good friends together all at once. But it’s one at a time - and that’s just fine too. But we are very different ages. I might be the oldest. But I lived through my awful illnesses in my earlier years. Two are very healthy, another is not so much yet she’s the youngest of us. Three of us never had kids but one is babysitting her grand nieces and nephews and we treat them as if they were her grandchildren. Life is such a strange thing, how it works it’s way through all these connections and jobs and the real people who stick around 💖
It really is! I've mentioned before that most of my friends don't know one another. They're an eclectic bunch, cherry-picked from different areas of my eclectic life, and scattered around the world. I don't think a gathering is in the cards for me either.