Einstein woke to a world of madness. Science diverted to serve greed. Science perverted to serve power. A world pitted against itself.
However he had come to this place he wanted only to escape it, to flee the nightmare.
Sweat pouring, heart pounding, he bolted upright, awake in his bed.
Concern for man and his fate must always form the chief interest of all technical endeavors. Never forget this in the midst of your diagrams and equations. — Albert Einstein
I sometimes wonder what great minds from the past would think of what we have made of the world. I don’t think they’d see us in a very positive light. This story suggests how Einstein might have reacted had he glimpsed the future.
He might have kept everything secret. Hung out in cafes, played his violin more. But he would have had his group of secret scientists - maybe exploring the world of making better food!
It's an interesting proposition for sure, though in his particular case, he did see the creation of atomic weapons.