I was definitely a wildflower although in a completely different way. I was neglected as a child and when I grew up I likened myself to a wildflower, growing up unattended unlike others who were nurtured. I loved the out of doors and so was a true nature child. It wasn't the childhood i would have chosen but I like me now. This is why I allow a few "weeds" in my garden, a few wild flowers 💕

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I love how you approach this, Laura. I know things were far from ideal for you. You're one of the best people I know, and I'm proud to be a wildflower with you, my dear friend.

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Yes, I agree with Jason and thank you for these stories! I love the solution for these Wildflowers 💕

I was mostly ignored as a child, never pressured. 🤔

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Thank you! I felt ignored growing up as well, a middle child in a large family. We both came out okay, my friend!

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This was a sweet story. I’m grateful you tell stories of marginalized people filled with hope. There needs to be more of that in the world

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Thank you, Jason. I believe we keep people marginalized by not being inclusive.

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