Thank you, Dascha, for bringing Woke back to what it was meant to mean. These days, when I think of woke, I think of Karens. In particular, I think of a very white former friend of mine who is more Jewish than any Jew, more black than any black, more Muslim than any Muslim, etc. She's more woke than anyone else (in her mind). She's never been married and has no children, yet she feels she is an expert on marriage and child-raising. She reminds me of that episode of The Big Bang Theory where Sheldon lectures Raj on being Indian. She, and others like her, are what turned me off the word.
However, what you have written has brought back around again. I do believe in justice for all. I am horrified with the Fascist Party of America. My American friends are also resisting.
You're very welcome, Ana. You know, always, that you are my heart sister. Let's not let the fascists subvert the meanings of words that represent what is good and decent.
Hi Dascha. Your very favourite brother in law here!
If you put it all together the only conclussion is that Trump is in the employ or allied with Putin. He is attacking allies of the US. He orchestrated a public attack on Zellinsky. He cut funding to Ukrain. The US voted with Russia, North Korea and Iran at the U.N. He is overseeing the dismantling of the US civil service which is essential to the operation of the government. He fired the head of the Joint Chief of Staff and installed his follower. Does it get any clearer? His mission is to raise up Russia and make the US defenseless.
Hey, Kevin. Trump is beholden to Putin because, at a time when no American bank would lend Trump a nickel, Putin intervened. Specifically he put Trump together with Deutsche Bank, the money launderer of choice for Russian criminals, and they saved Trump's substantial ass, financially speaking. There was a price for Putin's help. Get into politics and destroy America from within. It's the only thing that Trump has been spectacularly successful at.
While doing it though, Trump has, inadvertently, assisted Ukraine. After the world saw Vance and the Orange Blob mistreat President Zelensky, many countries rallied around his nation and promised money and equipment. Canada has sent $5 Billion, much to the chagrin and enragement of the right wing who, typically, haven't got their information straight. As they howl about taxpayers money being sent out of the country, they don't know that it is actually Russia's money. It comes from Russian assets frozen by Canada when Putin invaded Ukraine.
Hey, Kevin! You are 100% correct on all counts. It's clear that Trump is a Russian asset, beholden to Putin. He is doing his master's bidding. I suspect it's about to be too late to prevent the fascist party from fully establishing its stranglehold on power in the U.S. It's 11:59 and the Democrats are wearing fuchsia and holding up auction paddles.
Thank you, Dascha, for bringing Woke back to what it was meant to mean. These days, when I think of woke, I think of Karens. In particular, I think of a very white former friend of mine who is more Jewish than any Jew, more black than any black, more Muslim than any Muslim, etc. She's more woke than anyone else (in her mind). She's never been married and has no children, yet she feels she is an expert on marriage and child-raising. She reminds me of that episode of The Big Bang Theory where Sheldon lectures Raj on being Indian. She, and others like her, are what turned me off the word.
However, what you have written has brought back around again. I do believe in justice for all. I am horrified with the Fascist Party of America. My American friends are also resisting.
Just, thank you.
I am proudly Canadian.
You're very welcome, Ana. You know, always, that you are my heart sister. Let's not let the fascists subvert the meanings of words that represent what is good and decent.
Thanks. Please restack if you can. The left needs to wake up!
I'm sad that what you say is so true, Dascha. We truly must get loud and proud.
We really have to, dear friend. Please restack if you can. The more people who see this, the better.
Agree completely. I’m woke af and proud of it. Love, love, love fellow humans 💙
Ooh! I just took a quick peek at your profile. I worked as a physician therapist for most of my medical career. Great to meet you, Jo!
Now if we can just get all of the left loudly and proudly claiming this!
Well said, Dascha. We are as one on this.
Indeed we are!
Hi Dascha. Your very favourite brother in law here!
If you put it all together the only conclussion is that Trump is in the employ or allied with Putin. He is attacking allies of the US. He orchestrated a public attack on Zellinsky. He cut funding to Ukrain. The US voted with Russia, North Korea and Iran at the U.N. He is overseeing the dismantling of the US civil service which is essential to the operation of the government. He fired the head of the Joint Chief of Staff and installed his follower. Does it get any clearer? His mission is to raise up Russia and make the US defenseless.
Hey, Kevin. Trump is beholden to Putin because, at a time when no American bank would lend Trump a nickel, Putin intervened. Specifically he put Trump together with Deutsche Bank, the money launderer of choice for Russian criminals, and they saved Trump's substantial ass, financially speaking. There was a price for Putin's help. Get into politics and destroy America from within. It's the only thing that Trump has been spectacularly successful at.
While doing it though, Trump has, inadvertently, assisted Ukraine. After the world saw Vance and the Orange Blob mistreat President Zelensky, many countries rallied around his nation and promised money and equipment. Canada has sent $5 Billion, much to the chagrin and enragement of the right wing who, typically, haven't got their information straight. As they howl about taxpayers money being sent out of the country, they don't know that it is actually Russia's money. It comes from Russian assets frozen by Canada when Putin invaded Ukraine.
Hey, Kevin! You are 100% correct on all counts. It's clear that Trump is a Russian asset, beholden to Putin. He is doing his master's bidding. I suspect it's about to be too late to prevent the fascist party from fully establishing its stranglehold on power in the U.S. It's 11:59 and the Democrats are wearing fuchsia and holding up auction paddles.