I also tend to take on too many things. I like to start projects far more than I like to finish them. And I have too many hobbies. So I have to force myself to focus on fewer things and cut out certain things. Being organized helps, but it is not the cure. LOL!

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Feb 7, 2021Liked by Dascha Paylor

I had to smile when I read this. I felt like I was looking in a mirror. And when I see the other responses, I suppose we're not alone. I think this is one blessing I've received from the pandemic. I've slowed down. I've become more discerning about how I spend my time. If something I have chosen to do isn't enjoyable, I walk away from it because time is precious. I'm setting limits and demanding less from myself and others. I can now just be. I've never been someone who takes on a lot of learning or self-instruction but I've had to learn to say no to others and yes to myself. And please keep sharing. Your words are a blessing to all who read them. Blessings and light, my friend.

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Feb 7, 2021Liked by Dascha Paylor

We have many things in common. I am quite organized in some areas, but scattered in other areas. My personality is quite varied in my interests and hobbies. These interests are an eclectic range of interests. There is only so much time in a day to accomplish everything. I have learned to focus on a few, skim or cut out rest, and enjoy each day. I have cut back in some areas. A few health issues allowed me to reevaluate, and be truthful to myself. Thank you for sharing this, thanks for your friendship.

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We have a lot in common then! I also take on too much, try to please everyone, and give of myself to the point my own work suffers. My desk isn’t quite as messy, and I never learned to make spreadsheets, but I— like you—always put other things, like my purse, in the same place. I wish I could better organize my office, but somehow I manage alright. There’s definitely not enough time in the day to get done everything I want to, and sometimes I lose my focus.

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