Teenage angst. I lived next door to the school heart throb in grade 9 and we often walked home together. The girl gang, literally, that liked him decided that meant something and made my life miserable. Glad when they outgrew it. So, I know what happened here. And it made her stronger and more independent and much smarter about human nature. Luckily she was in grade 12 so her agony was short-lived.

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Yes! Can you imagine if she'd been in grade nine or ten? Teenagers have a special knack for making their victims miserable.

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You're going to leave me hanging like that?!? Okay, I'll accept the mystery 😁

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I love leaving things hanging in flash fiction. I feel it really contributes to the collaboration between writer and reader, leaving the story with you after it's "finished."

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What a party! Who's Murray?

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So, I messed up on this story (or Substack did). The first paragraph somehow ended up as part of the image attribution! Murray is Lisa's last name.

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